ucreate - Turn your idea into a successful tech business.

Bring your ideas to life.

We work with founders who are looking to build something new and transformative

Start a new company with a new tech offering

Launch a new product, brand or business unit

Digitise your business – from offline to online

Some of our work

Over the last 5 years, we've partnered with many brilliant founders to realise their visions and build profitable businesses with them.

Service Governance software that helps Suppliers retain contracts.

We partnered with Clientshare to build and launch their MVP, raise a round and close their first customers.

“We don’t just see ucreate as a partner who created and launched our MVP but we see them as a partner for our technology in the long term. In terms of their software support and knowledge, it has been second-to-none.”

ucreate clientshare

Our business philosophy - why ucreate?

We think our business model is unique and hope it’s compelling to founders like you. Here’s why we think we’d be a great choice to work with.

Equity Share

We believe in “share in the upside, share in the risk”. We take an equity share in our portfolio companies to give us a vested interest in your success.

Partnership Approach

We’re not just here for a one-time, spec project to build a product. The ucreate venture builder platform is here to help your business over the long haul.

Investor Agnostic

Investor neutrality is important to us – we don’t control your business. You’re in charge but we can help with access to funds from our investor ecosystem.

If you’re looking to start your own business, or have an idea for a new product, and you’re looking for some help in getting it off the ground, we’d love to chat more.

ucreate by the numbers

Over the last 5 years, we've partnered with many brilliant founders to realise their visions and build profitable businesses with them.


Businesses built and launched


Multi-million £ businesses


In-house experts


Average amount of days from idea to revenue


The amount our businesses have raised


Founders consulted